Sunday, July 12, 2015

Actions Speak Louder than Words, the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time–Year B

My Sisters and Brothers:

     It is believed that St. Francis of Assisi often said to the friars: “Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary use words.”  Isn’t it true that “actions always speak louder than words?

     Our Gospel today tells us that Jesus sent his twelve Apostles into the world to share the Good News and to preach about repentance.  Jesus wanted all men and women to turn away from sin, and he wanted them to be freed from unnecessary burdens, so they would know God intimately and live happy and holy lives.

     While the leaders of our church, especially our bishops, are called in a special way to follow in the footsteps of the Apostles (and to do their work), all Christians in some way or another share in this calling.  As members of the Christian community, I believe we must not only embrace the message of Jesus, but we must also imitate the Apostles’ mission of sharing the Good News and their vocation of “preaching.”  We are called to do these things, each according to our own gifts, talents and abilities.

     In today’s Gospel, we hear that the preaching of the Apostles was accompanied by many good deeds and acts; they went out and expelled demons, anointed the sick with oil and worked many cures (see Mark 6:7-13).  Before sending them, Jesus had advised: “Wherever you enter a house, stay there until you leave . . . whatever place does not welcome you or listen to you, leave there and shake the dust off your feet in testimony against them” (see Mark 6:10-11).

     This advice about “shaking dust” may seem a little harsh to us, but looking at it from another perspective, we can ask ourselves how such a directive might be applied to our own lives and experiences.  To answer this, and in light Jesus’ desire for people to repent from sin, it seems to me that we could “shake off some dust” if we would actually, earnestly, and genuinely strive to live holy lives!  If so, we certainly would always endeavor to keep ourselves free from the seductions of those materialistic, moral and ethical ways of thinking and doing that are so contrary to God’s will and grace.  This would really and always enable us to put the words of our faith into action!

     I’ve always found it interesting, even perplexing, that some who call themselves “Christians” find it very easy to excuse themselves from some of the most basic obligations placed upon those of us who are people of faith.  When Jesus said: “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself” (compare Matthew 22:37-40 and Mark 12:30-31), he actually meant every word of the admonition!

     So therefore, modeling our lives after those of the Apostles, and likewise completely dedicated to our God, let us always respect the privacy, the dignity, the property and the rights of others; let us be quick to forgive their weaknesses; let us serve them–especially the poor, the needy and the marginalized; let us be generous with our time, talents and financial resources; let us always treat our family members and neighbors with respect–especially those who are different or less fortunate than ourselves; let us always strive to be instruments of God’s loving presence to all we meet!  If we never excuse ourselves from these basic directives of the Christian way of life, then I believe our actions will speak as loud as any words we might also choose to use.  In this way, we will surely be able to “shake some dust” out there in our world!

     My sisters and brothers, may we always preach the Gospel with our lives, and when necessary, use words!

Praise God!  Friar Timothy
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