Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Feast of the Holy Family – Year C

My Sisters and Brothers:

     Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. In today’s Gospel we are presented with an event known as the “Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple” (see Luke 2:41-52). Although considered to be one of the “Joyful Mysteries” of the Rosary, we can imagine Mary and Joseph certainly were far from joyful once they discovered him missing.

     Their frantic return to Jerusalem, and their search for him, was undoubtedly filled with anxiety and heartache.  I’m sure any parent who has lost sight of a child in a crowd can certainly understand the turmoil Mary and Joseph experienced in that moment.  We might even be put off a bit by the reaction of Jesus when they finally found him in the temple–he said, “did you not know that I must be busy with my Father’s affairs?”  I imagine that many parents would be quite annoyed, and would react very strongly, if their twelve year old child “talked back” to them in such a manner.

     This story clearly demonstrates that everything wasn’t always “perfect” as the members of the Holy Family went through the events of their lives.  There’s no doubt there were occasional “bumps in the road” and obstacles for them to overcome as the child Jesus lived and was raised in their home in Nazareth.  I think some people believe the opposite to be true–that somehow that “perfect family” never faced any difficulties or trials.  The truth for us is that when Jesus was born into this world, he embraced humanity in all of its fullness–even within his home.  His experience as a member of a family then was probably much like that of our own.

     This may give some of us hope as we think about the families from which we come.  It seems every family has one issue or another, and often there are problems to be resolved.  With this in mind, let us rejoice that the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph can be for us an example to follow.  Like any other family, they faced their trials and difficulties, and they learned from their many experiences, good and bad.  They also placed their trust and hope in God, and were given whatever graces they needed to function as well as possible as a family under God’s protection.  Let us pray that our families will always strive to do the same!

     And as we continue to celebrate this joyous season, Merry Christmas everyone!
Praise God!  Friar Timothy

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