Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Pulled-Over by a Maryland State Trooper on I-95

Pulled-Over by a Maryland State Trooper on I-95

Today, on Wednesday, May 1, 2024, I drove home to Maryland from my sister Kelly’s house in Sullivan, Maine.  It took me almost twelve hours (including a couple of short stops along the way). 

Just as I crossed over the Maryland state line, and after traveling for most of those hours, I was so very happy to be close to home!  And so, as I continued to drive south on I-95, I called Kelly and her husband Toby to let them know I was almost home (using my hands-free blue tooth, of course!). 

Perhaps because at that point my blissful adrenaline had kicked in just a bit, I quite frankly moved speedily along (more or less), and just as fast as the rest of the traffic around me.  

Then . . . I suddenly noticed the dreaded lights of a police car tailing close behind me!!  I told Kelly and Toby I was being pulled over and better hang-up.  “I’ll call you after this is over,” I said, as I pulled my car onto the highway shoulder.  

Soon after I stopped (disappointed the cop had not passed me for someone else), a very polite Maryland State Trooper approached my car and asked me if I knew why I was being pulled over.  I sheepishly responded that I had “no idea.”  

He told me that (1) I was speeding, that (2) one of my headlights was out, and that (3) my license plate annual sticker tags were “expired.”  

I then very politely, and with a bit of a chuckle in my voice, responded to him:  “My gosh, I’ve really hit the jackpot tonight, no?

In response to my comment, the officer smiled broadly, and he literally laughed out loud! 

I gave him my driver’s license and the car registration card and he returned to his squad car, returning to me just a few moments later. 

I’m giving you a warning for the speeding and the tag sticker, and a work order for the burned-out headlight.  There’s no fine for anything this time . . . but please drive safely,” he said very cheerfully. 

Thank you sir, and also thank you for your service,” I joyfully responded!  

I then safely pulled back into traffic, continued on my way home, and in my thoughts thanked God for sparing me from the legal consequences the traffic stop really did merit!  

Perhaps it was the trooper’s sense of humor that spared me?  I guess I’ll never know, but I truly am grateful for all police officers’ self-sacrifices, their service to society, and their willingness put their lives on the line for the safety and good of others.  I hope I would have thanked this particular cop for his service, even if I had driven away from that encounter with the otherwise warranted fines! 

To all the men and women in blue, I’ll say it again: 


And I'm also happy to report that my wallet isn't lighter today than it was yesterday!

Praise God!  🙏

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